
家族経営で丹精込めて作ったお茶で お客様に笑顔になっていただきたい

昭和48年にミカン畑を少しずつ茶畑に改埴し、良い製品を作るため日々茶園の手入れに力を入れ、良い茶葉作りを目指しています。山田製茶ではお茶の品種を11種類栽培し、品種の個性を生かして山田オリジナルブレンド茶として、1年を通して味に飽きのないお茶作りを心がけています。お客様が山田のお茶を飲んで笑顔になっていただけるよう、家族で日々努力しています。 山田のお茶は家族が協力し、丹精込めて作ったお茶をお客様の手元に届けています。


Greetings from Yamada-processed tea representative

Yamada Tea Plant has been making safe and secure tea for 45 years with the precious blessings of nature since its founding in 1973.
In October of 1948, the Orange fields were gradually converted into Tea fields, and in order to produce a good product, we had been working hard to make excellent tea leaves in the tea garden every day.
We cultivate 11 varieties of tea at Yamada-processed Tea Company and we try to produce the Yamada Original Tea-Blend by making use of the breed characteristics producing a weariless tea taste throughout the year.
The whole family works together to continue studying and learning the process everyday to make sure that our clients will be able to smile with satisfaction after drinking our very own Yamada-processed tea.
We are able to deliver to customers the Yamada-processed tea with the effort and cooperation of our family.

Tea meisterNorihiko YAMADA